Why the ‘Can’t Help Myself’ Art Piece is Making Social Media Sad
TikTok and Twitter have been ranting about this art piece and what it makes them feel – but what does it actually mean?
Created in 2016 by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, and switched off in 2019, ‘Can’t Help Myself’ is an industrial robot that has one specific duty: to contain a viscous, deep-red liquid within a predetermined area. When the sensors detect that the fluid has strayed too far, the arm frantically shovels it back into place, leaving smudges on the ground and splashes on the surrounding walls.
TikTok is such a fast-paced viral platform that different trends emerge each week. But what seems to consistently be brought up is this artwork. For some, the video is entertaining and educational – but for many others, it is evoking all sorts of emotions and interpretations.
One trending video right now is a clip uploaded by @2k.kxoll on TikTok, which has over 54.7 million views, 7.5 million likes and 68.2k comments.
“It is a perfect representation of what happens to you if you do the same thing every day.” One user commented, with responses of users relating to this interpretation, and others even admittedly crying to the video. “It looks so tired and unmotivated,” another said.
However, many TikTok users are confused as to why this artwork is evoking so much emotion. Objectively to some, it is just a robot doing what it is created to do.

It’s very obvious that the artwork is intriguing by many on the internet. Feeling as though they can relate to the struggle of the robot’s frantic debacle of trying to clean up it’s mess; and keep everything under control to the point of exhaustion. Consumers are interpreting this piece as a representation of depleting mental health.
The real meaning of the ‘Can’t Help Myself’ robot
Although users have their own view of what this piece means, according to Guggenheim, Yuan and Yu wanted the robot’s endless, repetitive dance to represent the view of contemporary issues surrounding migration. The blood-like liquid is a portrayal of violence that is a result of surveilling and guarding border zones, and the consequences of an authoritarianism regime.
But, like all artists and their artwork, it is open to interpretation.
University of Pennsylvania researchers have demonstrated that a high concentration of the arts in a city leads to higher civic engagement and a more connected community. Neighborhoods with a vital cultural life also enjoy “spillover effects”—including stronger community and civic engagement; better health, schooling, and personal security. This study may link directly to the community within social media.
Social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok are allowing the subject of art and interpretation to be discussed and shared amongst people who usually would not care to view artwork.
On a platform that is usually used for superficial entertainment, it’s intriguing to see artwork like ‘Can’t Help Myself’ bring the community together over the internet.
Regardless of differing opinions on the piece itself, it’s extremely thought provoking and engages people to discuss and analyse art together – creating a great connection between communities that never would have really been able to interact without platforms like TikTok.

Why has it gone viral? A professional’s perspective
I spoke to Ruth Millington, an art historian, critic and author based in Birmingham about the trending ‘Can’t Help Myself’ piece, and why she feels it’s creating so much uproar online.

“It’s one of my personal favourites” Millington told me, with a sparkle in her eye and an excitable grin. Making it very obvious to me that there is a real reason this piece has become to popular, even amongst critics.
“The first sight of the robot itself makes you quite morbidly curious.” She started, “The liquid looks like blood and it instantly creates a curiosity within the consumer to want to investigate further – then when you find out the name of the work, I suppose you can’t help but feel despair.”
Ruth then described that the piece “creates a sense of sympathy and empathy for something that isn’t actually living”, as it’s very clearly struggling with the job it has been made for. Adding, she finds it “quite beautiful that this artwork brings out the humanity in people online,” and isn’t “surprised that Yuan and Yu’s work has gone viral multiple times on social media.”
“This artwork does exactly what it was meant to do” Millington ended “It gets people talking, gets people thinking – and stays in everyone’s mind. I’m glad this has gotten the recognition it deserves. Even if it has got the internet crying.”
Photo credits to Victoria Beddoes photography
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